Contact us

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out using the contact form.

* No business solicitations please *


Fees: Our fees are dependent on the therapist. The range is $160 - $445.00 per session and varies based on the type of service being rendered.

Insurance: In order to protect our client's personal and confidential information, we have chosen not to accept insurance. This allows our clients and the therapist to work together without restrictions imposed by insurance companies as to the number of sessions we may have or the modes of therapy we may use. If you have insurance through a PPO, they may pay for therapy sessions with an out-of-network (OON) provider such as myself. If so, your therapist will provide you with a monthly statement that you can present to them for reimbursement (or to apply to your annual deductible). If they do not cover the full cost of the services with which the therapist provides you, you will be responsible for any balance due to The Nest Counseling Center Inc.

To review your out-of-network provider insurance policy, we recommend you look at your providers website to review your policy. Most carriers will walk you through it step by step and provide you a form to utilize.

Sliding Scale: Each therapist reserves sliding scale spots in their caseload. Please contact the therapist directly to inquire whether they have any spots open. Sliding scale rates are typically $50.00 - $160.00 depending on the therapist and the services provided.